Formation | Creative Innovation Solutions

Creative Innovation

Strategy & Training for The Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence

Ask Interesting Questions
Technology innovation is rapidly changing the marketing and advertising - from mobile to wearables and the Internet of Things, how can brands engage their customers in these channel? Our strategic approach brings many years of expertise to help create successful engagement.

Think Like An Artist
We take an open, collaborative approach to innovation. Instead of being driven by the technology, we use it as a creative tool.

Identify Problems, Not Solutions
By understanding the real problem, the real pain points, we can identify effective solutions.

About Formation

Founded in 1992, Formation has been delivering strategy and brand experiences in digital, mobile and innovation. We offer a combination of unparalleled experience, technical expertise, understanding and above all a helpful, down-to-earth approach.

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Feel free to contact us for more information about our services and costs:
email: | tel: 020 7490 8779